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Greetings hate mongers. I love Star Wars and I loved Episode I: The Phantom Menace. I had one BIG problem with the movie though. His name is Jar Jar Binks. Every second of that movie I wished something would just come along and kill him. If you haven't seen the movie you may be thinking he's not that bad. If you have seen the movie you know he is. Poor Jar Jar!

Still not convinced he's truly evil? He actually says "Exsqueeze me" and also says "How rude" 3 times. 3?! That's absurd! What inapropriate dialect. He brings inapropriate bad humour just when it's not needed. The farting "camel" scene. Cut that out. It's a completely useless scene. Jar Jar Binks brings an evil Disneyesque touch to an otherwise perfect movie.

Last Updated on November 26th 2000
Here are some hate graphics I made. Click on the thumbnail on the left to open the picture in a new window. If you don't have a java enabled browser then click on the file name on the right.
I wanted to draw Jar Jar's head cut off by Darth Maul but instead it led to Jar Jar with a light saber comming out of his eye. I think this would make a great T-shirt. You probably noticed that this is the picture used in the banner.


I made this animated gif which is just repeating the scene where Jar Jar gets his face stuck in Anakin's pod's engine. I wished that Jar Jar would've died at this point. Oh well. Let's imagine he did. Aaaah! Peace at last.


Well that's gotta be the second most painfull thing I can think of. The most painfull being having to put up with Jar Jar saying "How rude!".


Please send Jar Jar hate graphics and hate links to zz@canada.com Still thirsty for blood?

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Last modified: March 28th 2000
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