This Webring was designed to permit easy navigation through different Jar Jar Hate Pages. Please submit your site and help in the movement against that offensive Gungan menace.

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See a list of all the sites which are part of the Jar Jar Hate Ring: Index of Sites

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Here's a copy of the HTML you must add to your page. Just replace the ** with you ID number:

<!-- Begin Jar Jar Hate Webring --> <center><img src="" width=300 height=150 alt="" border=0 usemap="#jj"> <map name="jj"> <area shape="rect" coords="100,10,290,60" href=""> <area shape="rect" coords="216,116,290,140" href=""> <area shape="rect" coords="105,65,220,90" href="**&prev"> <area shape="rect" coords="221,65,290,90" href="**&next"> <area shape="rect" coords="105,91,205,115" href="**&next5"> <area shape="rect" coords="206,91,290,115" href="**&hub"> <area shape="rect" coords="105,116,215,140" href="**&random"> </map></center><!-- End Jar Jar Hate Webring -->

It should look like this:

This page was created by aDam Gardner on June 6th 1999
Last modified on June 6th 1999