Visit the Sailor V Page of Funk!

Red Bar
Last Update Wednesday June 27th 2001
After years in limbo I moved this page over to my new server. I wanted to let it rot on angelfire and forget about it but it just didn't seem right. I'll probaly never be updating this page again. I fixed up the little menu up at the top because the pictures in the old menu dissapeared with one of my angelfire accounts... damned dirty bastards!
Blue Bar
Saturday April 17th 1999
Well the second volume of the Sailor V manga is finally out in french. I got it on Wednesday and I think it just came out this week. I though there were done but I guess not. All right. They're not gonna stop at 2 if there are only 3 books so it looks like they'll finish the series.
Blue Bar
Thursday December 3rd 1998
The first volume of Sailor V is out in french (Sailor V Tome 1! It was released by Glénat who are the guys who translated Sailor Moon. I had no idea it was comming out but it was at the store today. Score! I guess it came out this week or I'd probably have heard of it earlier. There are tons of copies at both book stores I went to today so if you've got a place near you that sells Sailor Moon books they should be carrying this one too. It's flipped so it can be read from left to right as usual. The cover art is the same but the rest of the pictures (back and flaps) are different. It's got a little Artemis on the spine where the Sailor Moon books had a Luna. Genius! Finally I can read this thing without having to carry around the translations like a sucker.
Anyways with this new information I wonder if I should make a french version of my Sailor V page. E-mail me ( if you think I should.
Red Bar
Tuesday October 13th 1998
Yesterday I started my own Webring called The Sailor V Webring. I hope to group together as many Sailor V sites as possible in this Webring. Check it out! There are already 3 sites on it.
Blue Bar
Sunday October 4th 1998
I coloured the Sailor V doll picture that's used to seperated all the different What's New updates so if this update weren't here there would be no seperation and no update but since there is only because there was there is.
Red Bar
Wednesday September 30th 1998
I added a mess of stuff to The Sailor V Page of Funk Image Gallery today. I also made this "What's New?" page.
Blue Bar

Visit the Sailor V Page of Funk!

Page created by: Adam Gardner ( on: Wed September 30th 1998
This page was last modified on: Tue Oct 13th 1998